How Releasing Trauma Healed My Client’s Oral & Structural Alignment Issues
We often think of our bones & teeth as these rigid structures that can’t be moved, fixed, or aligned without extreme interventions. But this simply isn’t the case - they are just as dynamic as any other part of the human body, and can change, shift, and realign with minimal intervention & support.
The body is a self-healing organism, and this includes our structural selves. Every part of our body can regenerate, heal, and shift when we give it the proper support to do so. And this is exactly what happened to my client simply from releasing stored trauma & emotions.
Here’s what she experienced…
It all began when my client felt her entire neck, spine, and jaw shift after a Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) Session we did for her. She messaged me the next morning describing the pain she was in from these shifts and how she was so obviously crooked people were making comments about how out of alignment she was. Her body continued to shift until the following day when she told me that she was better aligned than she had felt in a LONG time, and that she felt like “a peacock strutting around” because she was able to stand straighter than ever before. HER WHOLE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SHIFTED FROM RELEASING STAGNANT EMOTIONS.
She also described to me how her face structure completely changed after this session as well. “I finally look like myself again,” she said, “I can’t stop staring at my reflection.” After years of looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person looking back at her, she felt like her facial structure finally started to resemble the person she was before all the trauma. Her true, original self was back – not just emotionally, but physically as well.
But this isn’t the end of her story…after this experience, she continued to use a combination of Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) and Craniosacral Therapy (CST) to address stored trauma and emotions.
Some of the MBSR Sessions that we did allowed her body to start focusing more on her jaw and oral issues that she had been dealing with for many years. Prior to doing MBSR, her body was very resistant to working on this area with CST. But after the session described above, all of the sudden the trauma that was stored in her mouth was ready to be addressed, and she found that there was A LOT there.
So when she started addressing the trauma held in her teeth and oral cavity, a tooth that had been collapsing into an open gap of her mouth fully realigned itself after her next CST appointment. She had always struggled with oral dysfunction and knew that she would need a lot of orthodontic work to fix her oral misalignment. But after seeing what was possible just from releasing trauma, she is hopeful that some of these issues will, quite literally, straighten themselves out as she continues to heal deeper layers of her emotional trauma.
And if that isn’t enough, she has one more transformation to share…earlier on in her journey, she began seeing a chiropractor for her pain and structural issues and was diagnosed with lower lumbar scoliosis. Her chiropractor was the first to suggest trauma work, and not long after she began diving into healing trauma, they discovered in her following X-ray that not only had the “S” shape in her spine almost completely corrected, but her discs had entirely regenerated as well. “This is extremely rare,” her chiropractor exclaimed, “your spine is healthy again.” She went on to tell my client that the goal with cases like hers is to prevent further degeneration rather than seeking a full recovery, and that she was blown away by my client’s results.
“I’m getting my body back” my client says, and “by addressing my trauma, my structure is healing.” I wanted to share this client’s story with you to show you that EVERY PART OF OUR BODIES can be impacted from stored trauma and emotions. Structural or not, the body can heal. And I encourage you to explore what YOUR body can do when you address the emotional side of your own health, too.
Want to experience Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) for yourself? Click here to learn more.